I. How do you define free?
A. Free- costing nothing; gratuitous (thefreedictionary.com)
-gratuitous- given or granted without return or recompense; unearned
II. How do you define cost?
A. Price, value, expense, charge (Webster Pocket Thesaurus)
B. An amount paid or required in payment for a purchase; a price (freedictionary.com)
III. No Such Thing as a Free Lunch (an economics phrase)
A. Due to our sinful condition, God demanded a price (Is. 53:10-12, Rom. 6:23, Col.2:13-14)
B. Unless you put your faith in Christ who paid for our sins, that price will be demanded from you. (John 3:18, Rev. 20:12-15)
*The price
1) Judgment- John 3:18
2) Hell/Lake of Fire- Matt.25:41, Luke 16:24)
IV. What is Meant About Salvation Being Free?
A. No amount of service or works are sufficient enough to attain it. (Eph. 2:8-9, Matt. 7:21-23)
B. It is not privledged based on any particular social group. (Matt. 5:20, Rom. 2:1-4)
C. It is not conditioned upon lineage. (Col. 3:9-11)
D. It is a gift (Eph. 2:8)
V. How Can Something Free Cost Me Anything?
A. What is meant by cost is the sufferings involved with having this free gift.
B. Examples of the cost involved with accepting Christ
1) total self-denial- Matt.16:24, John 13:3-5, Phil. 2:5-8
2) hated by the world- John 15:18-19
3) persecuted by the world- John 15:20-21
4) persecuted by people in the church- John 16:1-4
5) possible financial instabilities- Matt. 8:19-22, 16:26
6) hatred/division from family- Matt. 10:34-39, Luke 14:25-26
VI. Seeing the Cost Involved w/ This Free Gift, What is its Value?
A. Freedom from eternal punishment- 1 Cor. 3:11-15, Rom. 20:12-15
B. Privledge to be a child of God. -Matt. 7:9-11
C. Privledge and joy of seeing God's glory revealed- Rom. 8:18
D. Receiving an eternal inheritance- 1 Cor. 3:11-15
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