Friday, August 19, 2011

The Church at Smyrna (Rev. 2:8-11) by: Francis Jackson

                The next church God addresses is Smyrna.  This church was going through severe persecution to the point of martyrdom.  The characteristic that God uses of Himself from chapter 1 is Him being the first and the last as well as being dead and coming alive again (1:17, 18a).  The idea of being the first and the last is what stamps Him as God.  Being dead and coming alive again is significant encouragement for a church going under persecution.  God recognizes them for standing through tribulation, persecution, and poverty.  In fact, in light of their poverty, they are called rich which could be in reference to their faith (2:9; James 2:5).  The church at Smyrna was one of two churches among these churches that received no rebuke.  They were a pure church.  The saying goes, “A pure church is a persecuted church.”  The persecution they faced was from spiritual pagans as well other Jewish people who allied with these pagans to put these believing Jews to death.  This is what is meant by those who were claiming to be Jews, but were not. They were only Jews outwardly (Rom. 2:28).  The church was faced with imprisonment and with high potential for martyrdom (2:10).  With them being reminded of Jesus’ power over death (2:8) being the first fruits of the resurrection, they have confidence that they are partakers of that power in that God will raise them from physical death unto life at the rapturing of the church just as He was raised (1 Cor. 15:20-23).  In reward for their faithfulness, they will receive a crown of life (2:10) and would be protected from the second death (2:11).  Jesus says in Luke’s Gospel not to fear man who can only kill the body and after that can do no more.  The one we ought to fear is He who, after killing the body, has the authority to cast it into hell (Lk. 12:4-5).  This is the second death, the lake of fire (Rev. 20:11-15).  The worst thing anyone can do to you is kill you physically.  As Dr. Andrew Woods puts it, “If you’re born once, you’ll die twice.  But if you’re born twice, you’ll die once.”  In other words, if you are born once, then you will die once physically (soul separated from physical body) and again both spiritually and physically (separated from God) in the eternal torment of hell (lake of fire).  If you are born twice, with the second being born again into salvation (Jn. 3:3-7), then you only die once which is physically.  So choose the option of being born twice, so that you would only die once.  Given the experience of this church, do not be amazed if you are persecuted for doing good.  Endure in the face of adversity even to the point of death and be delivered in heaven, receiving your due reward as one faithful in Christ.   

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