Friday, July 15, 2011


The question came to me the morning of 7-15-11

THAT WONDERFUL NAME OF has been debated that we how we pronounce His name matters (Ex. ye-shu-ah, Jee-zus or hay-suse, etc).According to Heb 13:8, he is consistently the there any error in changing pronunciation between languages? Is connection to power LOST IN TRANSLATION?

Let's get an understanding.

Interesting how later the same day, I go to a concert that involved J-flo, and C-Lite at a Hispanic church.  I walk in to spanish rap/reggeton.  My Spanish sucks, but I can catch a few words every now and then. Cristo, Cristo, Cristo.  CHRIST en Espaniol.

It was interesting listening to a Preacher from Baton Rouge being translated into Spanish.  Occationally some humor or figures of speech DIDN'T TRANSLATE.  Occationally the translator struggled to convert the words, sometimes the meaning was translated instead of the literal words.  In the end, the message was given in BOTH languages.  Quite effectively.


From Hebrew, to Greek, to latin, to old English...modern English. To countless languages in the past century...even now its still being translated. 


Maybe not in spelling or pronunciation, but across all cultures are those who live like the truly believe.  Those who KNOW GOD and can rightly divide the word of truth.  God transcends translation.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I am understanding more that "CHARACTER" is hard to come by, this is why people are so leery about getting into relationships.  The funny thing is we often see the issues of others before we realize our own.  We are blind to the OWN-UP.

We sin by nature...
                                               We already know this...
    Yet we often find ourselves not keeping an eye on ourselves.

Psalms 51:5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. 

It is because of this that we are quick to stray to evil deeds and without God we will never do otherwise.  A young man stated that he was illuminated to this aspect because he was appaled by the fact that he strayed into a lifestyle of sinning and did not feeling bad about it what he was doing.  Only a working relationship with God could bring that young man into such thinking.  Sadly we are decieved about the many aspects of being in a relationship with God, one such characteristic is discipline.  This is the thing many parents have traded in for incarceration by the state government. 

God does discipline those who are His children.  Some believe if you are not disciplined you are not saved.  Hence the title TO ILLEGITAMATE TO START.  It may be hard to believe, but you actually want to be spanked...when necessary.

Hebrews 12:6 For whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives.
12:7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chastens not? 
12:8 But if you be without chastisement, of which all are partakers, then are you illegitimate children, and not sons.  

When God spanks, be thankful, because if He doesn't...
For more insight read Romans 8:12-17


So Beyonce's new album is making waves, everyone has an opinion about it I am sure, so this will be a little different I hope.  I used to be highly infatuated with her, she has always been attractive to me and that may or may not have effect on the fact that I believe she can sing. 

The 1st time I caught a glimpse of the album cover I was immediately drawn to want to linger upon her physical frame displayed.  As a matter of fact, I noticed someone else looking intently at her body displayed on the cover art insert.  He was obviously mesmerized by what was displayed, to the point that he later spent a good amount of time gazing at her physique a second time. 

I immediately wanted to see what he was looking at, and realized that I quickly needed to turn my attention elsewhere.  I find it odd how many women feel the need to show off their bodies.  I expect those who don't know God to live by the adage, "if you got it flaunt it" but not those who believe.  I wonder what damage the "diva" persona has on our young girls.  It seems that girls younger and younger are dressing to flaunt their curves and mimicking the body language of senuality.  The silliest to me is how people think little girls shaking their butts like strippers is funny (giving the assuption it is acceptible).

Instead of standing in the way of sinners we should seek the position of a quadroped, bowing down in submission til we can hear the loving warnings of God as He shows us right from wrong, because its not about my opinion, but God's opinion.